Top tools that make you code faster


When learning to code, aspiring developers are usually taught to code vanilla software. However, at work, developers use many tools to speed up their coding. Common tasks such as testing, running various scripts, and controlling the programming environment are just a few examples of when additional tools can help.

The problem is that there are so many of these tools on the market that it’s difficult to decide which one is the best. It often takes years of trial and error to determine which tools will help you the most. To save you the hassle, we asked experienced developers about tools that can help them become better coders and maximize the efficiency of their work.

So here are some of the top-rated Vs Code Extension or tools given below.

1. Linux I3 window manager:

1. Linux I3 window manager:

Developers have long used Linux for its flexibility and customization options. I3 extends these options to give you near-total control over your programming environment.

I3 is a lightweight open-source tiling window manager for Linux. A window manager is used to control the appearance and placement of windows on the screen. The tiling window manager takes it a step further by automatically resizing and rearranging windows to ensure that they always use the entire screen without overlapping. This tile works with the operating system’s graphical user interface (GUI) and allows you to make changes directly.

Here are some highlights of the I3 window manager (i3wm).

Light: I3 is simple and efficient. It contains only the essential features without any extra fluff and is specifically designed to allow developers to use minimal processing power.

Keyboard control: I3 has a wide range of built-in keyboard shortcuts for desired actions. Additional shortcuts can also be added directly to the configuration file. You can move tiles, open terminals, and change layouts without touching your mouse.

Total screen usage: By using tiles, I3 avoids having to search through the stack of tabs for a single window. You can open as many tiles as you like while minimizing eye strain from large windows. This type of tiling system is ideal for system administrators who need multiple terminals and those who need to test and design terminals.

Custom theme: The appearance of the I3 is fully customizable to suit your aesthetics. Operating systems such as Windows and macOS set certain visual elements as immutable. With the I3, you can customize every inch of your screen. Tweak backgrounds, window appearance/behavior, notification appearance, and more.

2. Wim:

Vim is a text editor for most programming languages. This developer-friendly text editor focuses on customizing keybindings and streamlining coding. This is a modal text editor. This means you can have multiple modes, each fine-tuned by the user for specific tasks. For example, you might set one mode for Python and one for C++. Depending on the language, these modes allow keystrokes to behave differently. B. Language-specific keyboard shortcuts.

Like I3, Vim is completely keyboard driven. Less mouse consumption means less downtime and fewer workflow interruptions. Vim is also designed to work on almost all major platforms, making it perfect for team collaboration.

Finally, all Vim shortcuts consist of a shareable .vimrc. File. Many developers publish their tested files on Github. You can benefit from a colleague’s experience by starting with one of these files, but you can edit your personal version independently.

3. Bash:


Bash is a free Unix shell developed for the GNU Project. It has long been the default login shell for Linux and is now used by macOS and Windows 10. Apart from logging in, Bash supports hundreds of commands that can be called from within your application.

Bash is known for its scriptability. Instead of typing a series of commands each time you need them, you can instead save a shell script file that contains all those commands. Each command is executed in the order entered. Bash works mostly at the lowest level. In other words, these commands can manipulate files and memory without opening media in desktop apps. For example, you can write a shell script that systematically transfers the entire contents of your hard drive to another device without opening a file manager such as File Explorer.

Bypassing desktop applications allows Bash to operate more efficiently and, in many cases, to perform more specialized tasks.

4. Functional programming:

. Functional programming:

Functional programming is a declarative programming paradigm used to combine pure functions to create programs.

Programs are built from small side-effect-free first-class functions, singly or in combination. Declarative programming focuses on developing solutions that follow what should be done, not how it should be done. Thanks to Paradigm’s mathematical roots, declarative programs can be easily designed. Functional programming is more modular than other approaches. Breaking your program into smaller functions allows you to reuse them throughout your program. Larger problems can be solved by combining these smaller modular functions. This way you can reuse each part of the solution separately.

Finally, functional programming features have no side effects. This means that functional programming never modifies data.

5. Look back:


Regression testing ensures that developed software works after updates. Updates are very frequent, so this is an important part of a developer’s life. Unfortunately, this process is very cumbersome if you need to cover all possible error conditions.

Reflect solves this problem by creating automated regression tests for any website. This software requires no installation and can be used with any JavaScript framework.

6. Regular expressions:

. Regular expressions:

A regular expression or regex is a sequence of characters that describe the behavior of a search pattern. They are often used in string search algorithms to find sections that match a pattern.

Bash has a unique regex operator =~ that matches a given regex pattern. For example: if [[ $digit =~ [0-9] ]]; Then search the string for each occurrence of the digit. Aside from Bash, both Python and Java support regular expression parameters. They can implement very complex search parameters using just a few characters, making them ideal for data validation and other word-processing tasks. They are also recognized by developers around the world because they are part of regular languages ​​developed by computer language theorists.

Overall, they are easy to understand, generally understandable, and very likely to be complex. A great way to make it accessible.

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So these tools are best for you if you are a programmer and even you are learning any programming language if you have any question please ask in comments section i will answer as soon as possible.

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