How To Start Web-Development Complete RoadMap


Hello readers, I am back with another exciting blog post today. In this blog, I will show you the complete road map to success in web development. If you are a beginner in web development, you are in the right place. If you want to start web development, then these YouTube channels are best for you.

A Complete Road Map for Web Development:

This beginner’s route covers all the basics of web development. We’ll go through each step, from determining which code editor to use to the JavaScript structure or core language you can choose from. and we’ll also include links to resources where you can learn those skills.

The point is, if you’re just starting out, all you need to know now are the basics. You really don’t need to know every existing technology, tool, or language in the first place. (You’ll cross that bridge when you get there, trust me.) By the end, you’ll understand the basics of web development, the skills you need to know, and where to find them.

Personally, I think front-end web developers should know at least a little bit about back-end and vice versa. At the very least, knowing the basics of both will help you determine if you prefer front-end or back-end development.

Step 1: Learn Basic Front-End Development

learn basic fronted development

In the first step, you learn the basics of web development and understand how a website works and how to create the structure of any type of website. The front end of a website is made up of three types of files: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These files are loaded in the browser, on the client side. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.


html language


HTML, or “Hypertext Markup Language,” is the foundation of all web pages. This is the main type of file that is loaded into your browser when you visit a website. The HTML file contains all the content on the page and uses tags to represent different types of content.HTML is also known as the structure of a website.

2. CSS

CSS language

CSS, or “Cascading Style Sheets,” allows you to style this HTML content to look nice and elegant. You can add colors, custom fonts, and layout your website elements the way you want. You can even create animations and shapes with CSS.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript Language

JavaScript is a programming language designed to run in a browser. By using JavaScript, you can make your website dynamic, meaning it will respond to different input from users or other sources. For example, you can create a “Back to top” button so that when clicked, it goes back to the top of the page. Or you can create a weather widget that will show today’s weather based on the user’s location in the world. Basicaly, Java Script is used for logic.

Step 2: Learn Backend Development:


In the second step, you learn some basics of backend development. Backend development is like when users enter their login details and how data is saved on the website. It also explains how to manage this data. There are many types of backend development languages available, but I recommend only two: Node.js and MongoDB.

Node js 

node js logo

Node js is a Javascript-based real time framework that is very common in the web-development field. Most developers use this framework to make the backend of any type of website, so as a beginner, it is best for you to learn Node.js.


mongoBG logo

MongoDB is a source-available, cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License, which is deemed non-free by several distributions.

Step 3: Make Projects:

In the third and last step, you will make a project using the languages you learned in steps 1 and 2, like a clone website (Netflix Clone, Amazon Clone, Portfolio Website, etc.). I also make projects and post them on my website,, as you can see in the Projects category. Any programming language is dependent on your practice; if you don’t practice beyond watching videos, you are likely to pursue a career in web development. So please practice all things, and you will be successful in your field.

Tips for beginners

There are some tips for beginners. If you start a full-time web-development career, please follow these tips for a better future.

Learn by Coding

Learn by coding means you learn some topics from YouTube videos, but they are useless until you practice them and don’t learn them yourself.

Don’t Quit

Most of the time, students quit in the middle of the semester and learn something new. Please don’t quit when you are not a master.

Where to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  1. freeCodeCamp:

One of my favorite places to recommend is FreeCodeCamp. It’s a completely free and non-profit online coding bootcamp.

  1. tree house team:

Team Treehouse is a premium video-based online learning platform with multiple tracks that you can follow.

  1. Wes Bos:

Wes Bos offers free courses on learning Flexbox, CSS Grid, and JavaScript, which are great.

  1. Udemy:

Udemy is an online learning platform that also offers a variety of quality courses.

  1. YouTube:

There are also lots of free video resources on YouTube: Traversy Media, probably the largest web development channel, offers an HTML crash course and a CSS crash course.

DesignCourse, a channel focused on user interface and web design, also offers tutorials on HTML and CSS. And freeCodeCamp has its own YouTube channel, with videos like the Learn JavaScript course and other in-depth courses.


So after read complete this blog post, you will be able to learn web development full-time. If you have any questions about this ask in the comments section I will be answered as soon as possible.

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