Top 5 Frontend Projects with Resources to get Placement


Welcome to our blog post on the Top 5 Frontend Projects that will help you secure a placement in your desired company. We have compiled a list of the most popular and in-demand projects in the front-end development field, along with resources to help you get started.

From building responsive websites to creating interactive user interfaces, these projects will give you the skills and experience needed to excel in your career as a front-end developer. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive in!

The top 5 Frontend Projects with Resources to get the Placement List are given below

  • Fronted Code Editor
  • Video Streaming Platform
  • Interactive / Animated Portfolio
  • Social Media Platform
  • Resume Builder

1. Frontend Code Editor Like (Code Pen)


A source code editor is a text editor program specially designed for programmers to edit the source code of computer programs. It can be a standalone application or integrated into an integrated development environment (IDE) or web browser.

A source code editor is the most basic programming tool, as the basic job of a programmer is to create and edit source code.

It is veasyEasy to create a Fronted Code editor like Code pen, etc. If you Want to create these projects and list them in your resume please watch this video.


1st Video Link Fronted Code Editor Like Code Pen.

2nd Video Link How to Make Code Editor like Code Pen.

2. Video Streaming Platform Like (YouTube)

Video Streaming Platform Like (YouTube)

Creating a video streaming platform like YouTube using front-end development is a challenging task that requires a solid understanding of several front-end technologies and frameworks. Here is a rough outline of the steps involved in building such a platform using frontend development:

  1. Create a user interface: You will need to create a user interface that allows users to browse and watch videos on your platform. This can be done using a frontend framework such as React or Angular, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Implement video playback: You will need to use JavaScript and a frontend library such as Video.js to create a custom video player that can play videos on your platform.
  3. Build a responsive design: Your platform should be optimized for different screen sizes and devices. You can use CSS and JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation to create a responsive design.
  4. Implement a search and recommendation system: You will need to implement a search and recommendation system that allows users to find videos they are interested in. This can be done using JavaScript and frontend libraries such as Elasticsearch.

Keep in mind that this is a rough outline of the steps involved in building a video streaming platform like YouTube using frontend development and the process may vary depending on the specific requirements and scalability of the platform. Building such a platform requires a team with knowledge of various front-end technologies and experience in software development.


1st Video: How to make a YouTube Clone Using React.js

2nd Video: Easy way to make a YouTube Clone and add it to Your Resume.

3. Interactive and Animated Portfolio

create a animated-portfolio

Creating an interactive animated portfolio using front-end development is a great way to showcase your work and skills to potential employers or clients. Here is a rough outline of the steps involved in building such a portfolio:

  1. Design the layout: First, you will need to design the layout of your portfolio. You can use tools such as Adobe XD or Figma to create wireframes and mockups of your portfolio.
  2. Build the structure: Next, you will need to build the structure of your portfolio using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can use a front-end framework such as React or Angular to structure your code.
  3. Add Interactivity: You will need to add interactive elements to your portfolio to make it more engaging. You can use JavaScript and frontend libraries such as jQuery or GreenSock to create animations and interactions.
  4. Optimize for performance: You will need to optimize your portfolio for performance, particularly when it comes to animations and interactions. This can be done by using performance-oriented libraries such as GSAP or Lottie, or by manually optimizing your code.
  5. Add navigation: You will need to add a navigation to allow users to navigate through different sections of your portfolio. You can use JavaScript and frontend libraries such as React Router to create a navigation system.
  6. Add a contact form: You will need to add a contact form to allow users to contact you. You can use a front-end library such as Formik to create a contact form.
  7. Make it responsive: Your portfolio should be optimized for different screen sizes and devices. You can use CSS and JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation to create a responsive design.
  8. Host your portfolio: Finally, you will need to host your portfolio on a web server so that it can be accessed by others. You can use services like GitHub pages or Firebase hosting to host your portfolio.

Keep in mind that this is a rough outline of the steps involved in building an interactive animated portfolio using frontend development and the process may vary depending on the specific requirements and scalability of the project.

Building such a portfolio requires knowledge of various front-end technologies and experience in software development.


1st Video: How to Build a Modern Portfolio With Next.js

2nd Video: Easy way to make a Portfolio with advanced features.

4. Social Media Clone Like (Instagram)

Social Media Clone Like (Instagram)

Creating a social media platform like Instagram using front-end development is a complex task that requires a solid understanding of several front-end technologies and frameworks. Here is a rough outline of the steps involved in building such a platform:

  1. Create a user interface: You will need to create a user interface that allows users to browse and interact with content on your platform. This can be done using a frontend framework such as React or Angular, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Implement user authentication and authorization: You will need to implement a user authentication and authorization system that allows users to sign up, sign in, and manage their accounts. You can use a frontend library such as Firebase Authentication to handle user authentication and authorization.
  3. Create a feed of posts: You will need to create a feed of posts that displays the content shared by users. This can be done using JavaScript and frontend libraries such as React Virtualized to handle the infinite scrolling.
  4. Implement image and video upload: You will need to implement a system that allows users to upload images and videos to your platform. This can be done using JavaScript and frontend libraries such as Cloudinary or Firebase Storage to handle the uploads.
  5. Add a search feature: You will need to implement a search feature that allows users to search for other users and content on your platform. You can use JavaScript and frontend libraries such as Elasticsearch or Algolia to create a search feature.
  6. Implement a commenting system: You will need to implement a commenting system that allows users to interact with posts. You can use a frontend library such as Firebase Firestore to handle the comments.
  7. Implement a direct messaging system: You will need to implement a direct messaging system that allows users to communicate with each other. You can use a frontend library such as Firebase Cloud Messaging to handle the messaging.


1st Video: How to Build Instagram Clone with Reacts.js For beginners.

2nd Video: Create an Instagram Clone with React, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase.

5. Resume Builder Project

Create a resume builder using html Css

Creating a Resume Builder using frontend development is a relatively straightforward task that can be done using a few key technologies and frameworks. Here is a rough outline of the steps involved in building such a tool:

  1. Design the layout: First, you will need to design the layout of your resume builder. You can use tools such as Adobe XD or Figma to create wireframes and mockups of your builder.
  2. Build the structure: Next, you will need to build the structure of your resume builder using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can use a front-end framework such as React or Angular to structure your code.
  3. Implement the form: You will need to create a form that allows users to input their personal information, work experience, and education. You can use a frontend library such as Formik to handle the form.
  4. Store the data: You will need to implement a way to store the user’s data so that they can come back and edit their resume later. You can use a frontend library such as Firebase Firestone or local Storage to store the data.
  5. Generate the resume: You will need to implement a way to generate a resume based on the user’s inputted data.
  6. Implement a download feature: You will need to add a feature that allows users to download the generated resume in a variety of formats (PDF, Docx, etc).
  7. Make it responsive: Your resume builder should be optimized for different screen sizes and devices. You can use CSS and JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation to create a responsive design.
  8. Host your resume builder: Finally, you will need to host your resume builder on a web server so that it can be accessed by others. You can use services like GitHub pages or Firebase hosting to host your builder.


1st Video: How To Create a Resume or CV generator using JavaScript.

Git-Hub: View Resume Builder Complete Code

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In conclusion, mastering frontend development can open up many job opportunities and is a valuable skill to have in today’s job market. The top 5 front-end projects with resources to get placement are: creating a responsive landing page, building a to-do list app, developing a weather app, creating a portfolio website, and building a calendar app.

By working on these projects and utilizing the resources provided, you can improve your front-end development skills and increase your chances of getting a job in the field.

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