3 ways to earn extra Income as a programmer πŸ˜πŸ’°

Thousands of people around the world are learning to code. The demands on programmers in this world are increasing day by day. Some people say the only way to make money as a programmer is to get a job.

Dig deeper and find out how to make money as a programmer online. You will find various websites repeating the same method of making money. Websites ask you to start a YouTube channel, start a blog, do freelance work, create a game, and more.

These are good ways to make money online as a programmer. However, once you start using these, you will face stiff competition to make money online as a programmer.

Building a YouTube channel requires almost two to three years of investment. If you want to make money as a blogger, you have to write a lot of free content. Finding the first clients for freelance work is difficult.

Coding freelance work also requires domain experience. Making a good game is easier than other games if you know how to make a game. But monetizing it is the hard part.

Check out this guide on how to make money online as a programmer. But don’t treat this guide as a get-rich-quick programmer. If you want to make money in the real world, you have to give value to others through your work. There is no substitute for hard work and time.

Help other students learn to code:

Help other students learn to code.

If you have to make money yourself, you have to provide some value to people. The Internet has opened the door to online education.

Helping other students learn to code is a great way to make money online. You might think that teaching someone to code requires a lot of experience. It’s not true.

You should be willing to share the knowledge you have gained over time. Even for students who started learning to code months ago. You can also earn money by helping students who are starting to learn to program.

Good communication skills are required for those who want to teach beginners online. In addition, you should also understand all the languages ​​that are in demand today. Once you have both skills, you can start teaching your students.

Some websites allow you to teach online.

  1. Udemy.com
  2. Tutor.com

Increase your knowledge of the subject you are teaching by helping others. It improves your leadership skills and helps you develop your professional skills. Experienced developer

If you are an experienced developer who has been coding for several years. As an experienced developer, I have knowledge of several programming domains. Now you can sell your knowledge in the form of advice.

Many inexperienced developers always need help with their work. You may be billed between $50 and $75 per hour.

Sell e-Books Online – But Do It Right:

Sell e-Books Online – But Do It Right:

What are e-Books?

E-books are electronic books that are different from paper books. You can read e-books on your mobile phone, laptop, and similar electronic devices.

Writing an e-book requires skills such as creating content, and creating the right title and design. The most important thing you need is knowledge of the topic.

What topics should you write in your e-book?

Well, with e-books, you can write on any topic you like. This must be kept in mind when writing on any subject. Most likely no one will buy your e-book. There are almost thousands of e-books online that no one buys and reads.

You should understand that your e-book should have an interesting title. This is the only way to attract readers. Once you have an interesting title, you need to provide good content for your e-book.

This way you are guaranteed that your work will please the reader. If readers like the book, they will recommend it. Referrals are the best way to sell your eBook, and word of mouth takes time to spread.

The next time you decide to write an e-book. Make sure it contains interesting headlines and good knowledge.

Steps to writing your e-book.

  • Choose a topic you know well and come up with a catchy name for your e-book.
  • Divide your writing into many chapters.
  • Select and insert an appropriate image that is suitable for your reader.
  • Including images in your e-book makes it easier to read.
  • Use quotation marks to mark.
  • You can also insert charts to view statistics.
  • Publish eBooks to Amazon Kindle and Playbooks.
  • You will see free ads for your book.

Opportunity to make money as tech support:

Opportunity to make money as tech support:

The demand for remote work is growing all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, remote work has become easier. You can take on technical support jobs for a variety of software. Recall from the previous point that we discussed the importance of chatbots. Chatbots offer limited help. They can only answer trained requests.

Almost all software on the market requires some human support. This human support resolves personalized customer requests. This is done via phone, email, or live chat.

This kind of work does not require much programming knowledge. The only requirement for this job is good communication skills. You need to master the software that solves your customer’s requirements. You can charge between $20 and $25 per hour.

This type of work has good advantages. You can decide when to work as technical support. Different companies have different working hours. You can choose any of them to work. Try to choose the time interval in which you are least productive.

This way you can ensure productivity and make some money. This kind of work is time-consuming and may feel fruitless. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a support engineer.


Now you know many ways to earn money online as a programmer. It’s time to take all the necessary steps to start earning online as a developer.

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