8 Myths Every Coder Should Know Before Start to Code


Welcome to our blog on “8 Myths Every Coder Should Know Before Starting to Code.” As the world becomes increasingly digital, coding and programming have become essential skills for many industries. However, with the rise of this field, there have also been a number of misconceptions and misunderstandings that have spread.

So don’t worry, you’re not alone in this post, we will be debunking some of the most common myths about Coding or Programming and providing valuable insights for those who are looking to start a career in the field or who are already in the field.

This post will help set you on the path to success.

1. You Can’t Get a Cording Job if you are not CS Student.

You Can’t Get a Cording Job if you are not CS Student.

The first myth we will address is that you can’t get a coding job if you are not a computer science (CS) student. This is not true. While having a degree in computer science or a related field can be beneficial, it is not a requirement to get a job in the coding field.

Many successful coders have come from diverse backgrounds, such as mathematics, physics, or even liberal arts. Employers are more interested in your skills and experience than your educational background.

Additionally, there are many resources available, such as coding boot camps and online tutorials that can help you acquire the necessary skills without a formal education in computer science. These resources can help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to land a job in the coding field.

It is also worth noting that, these days, many companies prefer to hire for specific skill sets that are relevant to their business, rather than a specific degree. Many companies are open to hiring candidates who have a strong Portfolio or relevant work experience, even if they don’t have a traditional computer science education.

2. You Should Have a High-end configuration laptop or computer

You Should Have a High-end configuration laptop or computer

The second myth we will address is that you need a high-end configuration Laptop or computer to be a successful coder. This is not true. While having a powerful computer can certainly make coding and programming easier, it is not a requirement. Many successful coders use basic computers or even laptops with lower specifications.

In fact, many software development companies provide their employees with standard laptops or computers which can run their software stack. As long as your computer can run the operating system and the necessary software, you will be able to code.

Additionally, many modern development tools and IDEs are designed to work in the cloud, which means that you can access them from any device with an internet connection. This means that you can code on a basic laptop or even a tablet or smartphone if necessary.

The most important thing is to have a stable computer with enough memory and processing power to run the necessary software and tools. As long as your computer can handle that, you will be able to code and develop your programs.

3. You must have Knowledge of DSA for getting a JOB in coding

You must have Knowledge of DSA for getting a JOB in coding

The third myth we will address is that you must have Knowledge of DSA for getting a JOB in coding. This is not true. It is not a must to have knowledge of DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) for getting a good job in coding, but it is considered an important skill to have.

DSA is the foundation of computer science and is essential for understanding and solving problems related to efficient data processing and manipulation. It is particularly important for software developers working on performance-critical systems or large-scale applications.

However, there are many other areas of coding and programming, and different roles will require different skills and knowledge. Employers also value skills such as coding best practices, software design, project management, and experience with specific technologies, frameworks, and languages.

Having a good understanding of the business domain and problem-solving skills are also highly valued.

4. You can learn to code and start making money by doing Freelancing

You can learn to code and start making money by doing Freelancing

The fourth myth we will address is that it is possible to learn to code and start making money through freelancing, but it typically takes significant time and effort to acquire the necessary skills and build a reputation as a reliable and skilled coder.

Additionally, freelancing can be a competitive field, and finding consistent work can be challenging, especially for those just starting out. It’s important to have realistic expectations and be prepared to put in a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed as a freelancer.

5. Getting a Job at FAANG-M Company is Very Easy

Getting a Job at FAANG-M Company is Very Easy

Getting a job at a FAANG-M (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, and Microsoft) company can be highly competitive and difficult, even after learning to code. These companies are some of the most successful and sought-after employers in the tech industry and receive a large number of job applications from highly qualified candidates.

To increase your chances of getting a job at one of these companies, you should have a strong portfolio of projects, relevant work experience, and good problem-solving skills. It’s also important to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the industry.

Networking and building relationships with people who work at these companies can also be helpful. Keep in mind that learning code is just one aspect of getting a job at these companies, other factors such as experience and soft skills also play an important role.

6. Coding can make them Super Rich

Coding can make them Super Rich

Coding can be a well-paying profession, but it is not a guarantee of becoming “super-rich.” Many factors such as experience, skills, job market, location, and luck all play a role in determining a person’s earning potential as a coder.

While some coders, particularly those working at senior level positions or in high-demand fields, can earn very high salaries, it’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that becoming extremely wealthy from coding alone is relatively rare.

Building wealth generally requires a combination of factors such as investing, saving, and making smart financial decisions in addition to earning a high salary. It’s also important to note that becoming rich should not be the only motivation for pursuing a career in coding.

7. You can learn coding by Watching videos & Reading Blogs

You can learn coding by Watching videos & Reading Blogs

While watching videos and reading blogs can be a great way to supplement your learning and gain knowledge about specific coding concepts or technologies, they alone are not enough to learn how to code.

Coding requires practice and hands-on experience to develop the skills and muscle memory necessary to write efficient, clean, and functional code.

Watching videos and reading blogs can be a great way to get started on learning about coding and to pick up new tips and tricks, but it’s essential to practice what you learn by writing your own code, experimenting with new concepts, and seeking feedback on your work.

Enrolling in coding Bootcamp, online courses, or self-paced tutorials and reading books can also provide a more structured learning experience and provide more opportunities to practice coding.

8. Learning to code has an Age Limit

Learning to code has an Age Limit

There is no age limit for learning how to code. People of all ages can learn to code and many successful programmers and developers began learning later in life. As long as an individual has the desire and willingness to learn, they can pick up coding skills at any age.

Age can be an advantage as older individuals may have more life experience and a better understanding of the problem they are trying to solve. They also have developed soft skills like time management, organization, and project management that can be beneficial in a programming career.

Furthermore, with the advent of online learning platforms, it’s easier than ever to access coding resources and tutorials from anywhere and at any time, making it more convenient for people who are busy or have other responsibilities.

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Conclusion and Final Words:

So guys there are many myths surrounding the world of coding. It is not a magic solution to all problems, you cannot learn coding overnight, it is not just for math and science geeks, freelancing is not easy, getting a job at a FAANG or MAANG company is highly competitive, coding alone is not a guarantee of becoming super rich and it’s not just about watching videos and reading blogs.

Furthermore, there’s no age limit for learning how to code and starting a career in programming. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that learning to code takes time and effort, but with dedication and hard work, anyone can succeed in the field.

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